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You can start playing the piano at any moment!


Did you use to go to the Arts school and play the piano being a child? Did you
meet with complete failure but having entered your adulthood you still dream of playing the piano? Or you were probably very good at it and achieved some
success but years have passed and you have found yourself unable to play a couple of notes. You might have forgotten every single piece of music you played and your technique is worse than it used to be but you may still have an eagerness to read music or to try and play some music you like but you have never been taught to. Here I am to teach you! I can teach you to read music and to play from memory. If you have a burning ambition to make your own acoustic backing to your beloved songs I am here to help you realize your ambition!

Being my student you will play your own unique music which I compose for you specially taking into account your level of playing the piano.

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